Available on many platforms

Datafari can be used on many types of platforms. You can use it prepackaged through a Virtual Machine or a docker container, or you can download the install for Debian or Redhat (RHEL is only available with Datafari Enterprise Edition). Datafari for Windows can become our priority once again if it is a priority for you, so contact us !

Datafari 5.1 - Virtual Appliance


Datafari 5.0 virtual image (OVA) can be imported in VMWare or VirtualBox. Please have a look at our Datafari quick start guide

Datafari 6.0.4 - Docker version


Please have a look at our Datafari quick start guide

Datafari 6.0.4 - Linux Debian version


Please have a look at our Datafari quick start guide

Looking for older versions ?

We keep the previous releases of Datafari Community Edition, contact us if you need a specific version.

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